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com Since they are after Adobes head (must got mad about adobe buying MacroMedia), I figure it will be added.. The report says that its its supposed to be written xul and anything that can read XUL will be able to view it.. I really cant get my head around Livecycle and which bit does what Dont be mistaken this is a product aimed at large organisations, such as the IRS (who is using it for their forms) deSiemadobeforums.. I need to create a rights-enabled PDF form, but have the application for the Mac not windows.. Is there any way around this apart from me having to buy a further copy for the PC.. By the way have you heard about the new technology that Gates is coming out with that is going compete head to head with PDF and claims to be an acrobat Killer.. Thread Tools Show Printable Version Email this Page Subscribe to this Thread Display Linear Mode Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded Mode April 27th, 09:12 AM 1 Why no LiveCycle for Mac Why is LiveCycle only included with Acrobat 7 Pro for Windows and not for Mac I need to create a rights-enabled PDF form, but have the application for the Mac not windows.. Acrobat 7 Professional on Windows cannot create rights-enabled PDF forms Adobe Livecycle Designer Mac Not WindowsAdobe Livecycle Designer Mac Not WindowsWhat is included (on Windows) is LiveCycle Designer, not LiveCycle Reader Extensions.